Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Halloween

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,

I hope that you all had a wonderful evening, dressing up and making asses of yourself. Don't worry, I love to do it too...and I don't know why either. Regardless, last night, I arranged my house a bit...and I wasn't feeling very well to begin with...but I think that I may be allergic to dust. All week I've been feeling...less than dapper...and all week I've been unloading my worldly possessions, basically covered in dust. It may also be the altitude or something...but I wasn't feeling that way the previous week. Anyway, you don't I decided to just stay in-house and fry up some stir fry & rice...and finish season two of Heroes. Sad, right? Yeah, a little bit...but I got a lot done around the house...and that's what counts. Sigh...

This was how packed a 16' moving van was of my crap

This morning, I woke up and saw the sunrise (though for the first time since I've been here, I didn't have to) and then decided that I was going to get my hair cut (because I had to for work...damn conformists) so I went to a place nearby called Floyd's Barbershop. There, I got some trim from a lovely lady named Jenny who asked me & fellow barberinas about their Halloween activities. Apparently, she didn't do much either. "That's sad, we should've just hung out then." "Haha, yeah, I love Heroes." After the haircut was done, then she asked me, "Would you like a massage?" Now, I don't know if this is a big thing at barbershops elsewhere...but apparently they offer massage services (neck & shoulder only, I asked) as well as cutting, waxing, shampooing, and the like. The only other place where this was an option...was in China...and it was brothelesque. Then again, we were getting along fairly well, so I thought that she just might be being nice. " Thanks though. I wouldn't mind getting your number though." She didn't mention that the reason that she was alone last night was because her boyfriend was out of town. "That's cool. Well, if you ever wanna watch Heroes or something, let me know." Man, I must just suck at this whole pickup thing. Oh well, at least I look hot and sophisticated now. Watch out ladies.

After that, I decided that instead of spending my morning fixing up the apartment more...that I'd go do something fun...and because I am a HUGE nerd, I decided that the fun thing to do would be to drive down to City Park and check out the Museum of Nature & Science. Why? Because they have dinosaurs...and so much more. They're famous for their diaramas too. Here's my journey from prehistory to today...

Whale skeleton
I gave my niece Kairi a buffalo for her 2nd birthday last week
She loves it...and already does noises & stuff
I'm gonna get her to say "Tatonka!!!"
Yes, the sign DOES say Black Bears
Apparently, these are Kermodes Bears...
which apparently is an Inuit word for "white"
My mom's favorite...the Manatee mother & child
The Platypus - Nature's Clusterf**k
Big ass birds called Cassowaries
California Condors (stuffed in 1928)
I saw REAL mummies on Halloween. Did you?
I think the one on the top right gives you
the ability to throw bouncy fireballs...
Coelacanth...early dino-fish, you know what that means...
Aaaah yeah, trilobites...moving through time...
Giant monsterfish...and what's that on the right?
Finally, the early Dimitrodon
Jurassic Fight Club stuff...
T-Rex skull...among others
"That's a huge b**ch!!!"
The tail goes over your head and down the hall behind you.
After the dinosaurs died, other animals came about...
Such as prehistoric big ass birds called Moa
These crazy looking rhino things...
JESUS!!! That's one big ugly pig rhino thing.
Thank God they went extinct.
Then again, I wonder what the bacon would taste like...
Mammoths dressed for Halloween
There's an atrium to leads out to the rest of City Park
There's even the Denver Zoo nearby...but that's for another day

Well, after that, I've been up in my apartment for the last four hours doing more...and I'm almost done. Will finish up the laundry and arrangements as best I can...and who knows? Tomorrow night, you may have EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS of my apartment ready for company and looking superfly. Keep your fingers crossed...and have a great day!!!

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