Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
I'll have posted pictures for my trip to New Orleans... but I thought that I'd just real quick wish you all a great Valentine's Day. Yes, I'm aware that it's a day or so late... but yesterday was busy... and I was focusing on my ladyfriend after a few weeks away. Now, you know I'm not the biggest fan of Valentine's Day given my checkered history on the day (found here & here). However, it has been getting progressively better as time goes by... and this was probably my best thus far.
It started in Igor's Bar & Grill in New Orleans with Filly & her friends in the midst of being a designated driver for a karaoke bash. I sang "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" by the Darkness and assisted Gator the KJ with his singing of "Across 110th Street" & finishing off the evening with "Get Low." We were out until after 3 AM... then woke up around 6 AM in New Orleans (4 AM Pacific time) to head out to the airport. However, a little bit of the story starts Valentine's Eve... when I sent this picture of one of Filly's roses to Dizzy...
She had mentioned that this kind of rose was her favorite (and probably a lot of yours out there as well) so I had an idea... get her some. One problem, it was Valentine's Eve... and it'd be VERY expensive even IF they were available & they'd be delivered to... wherever she was going to be... but I had a better idea... see if Bud the Rose wanted to hitch a ride back to the Bay with me.

Filly helped me put together this little transport...
so here's Buddy heading to the airport...

Flying first class in a classy Pralines box...

Grabbin' a bite to eat during a quick layover in Vegas...
Of course he eats Popeye's... he's a southern boy...

No time for Roulette at Mandalay Bay...
You've got a date with Dizzy...

...and finally landing at the Oakland Airport.
So I'm at the Oakland Airport... with the rose in the praline box... and I have to get a pass for AirBART to get home... and my arms are fully of stuff, so I set it to the side when it's a little crowded to get the ticket. Well, I turned my eyes from it for less than a minute... and when I turned back all of my stuff was there... except the praline box containing Bud. Somebody either swiped it... or threw it away thinking it was trash. WTF? Well, best case scenario... somebody thought they were getting a sweet treat & instead got a pleasant rosie surprise. Whatever... he & his box would've been the centerpiece of this presentation...
Inside the box would've been Bud saying howdy & carrying the contents of that little square package. Curious what was in there? Well, you'll have to check out Dizzy's blog to see it... and it's well worth a glance (and a read if you like my blog, hers is quiet similar). Anyway, New Orleans shenanigans coming soon on this glorious President's Day Weekend! Have a great weekend everybody!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Best Valentines Day Thusly :3

Where Should I Go Next?